Shes back into my life

Shes back into my life… And i couldnt be more happy! But with her being back, other things come as well. The sorting things from the past (family), the kid, our life that is so different, the finding time to be together… So many things!!! I am not complaining, quite the opposite, but i stillContinue a ler “Shes back into my life”


The waking up this morning was weird… Too much free time, and life on hold doesnt help… Ence the writing this morning. Woke up at 7am and been in bed since then. I am very lucky to have sorted things in a way that suits me, but disturbing the person that has been so kindContinue a ler “Weird…”

Moving Forward

So its been a nice couple of days. Work been allright, with me picking up the pace of learning everything that is new. Really happy with myself and everything in this couple of days. In a way all the bad that have been happening, brought something good. I can finally focus on work, instead ofContinue a ler “Moving Forward”


Today was a bad day…. But was it really? Before i go to my made up bed, i tought it would be a good idea to vent a little bit. Not to be negative or positive, but to carry on this relationship that im building with the writing…. Im really not bothered if people readContinue a ler “Today….”

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