You havent knocked me down yet!!!

What to say? Last week i just wanted… From getting a call from the mechanic saying the car was good to the scrap yard, son and mum testing positive, the tooth ache coming to say hi again to the airpods on the washing machine and bin… All in 4 days!! Want to give me aContinue a ler “You havent knocked me down yet!!!”

Will to Cook

So today has been a good day… Its been a while since i said this… Woke up at 4:30 in the morning. Nothing new. I spend 20 hours of the day awake anyway. Between coffes cigarettes and bed, got ready and left the flat. Time to deliver the van and pick my car. Called aContinue a ler “Will to Cook”

Past, past ,past

Why am i so stuck to the past? When i was 4 years old (at least as i remember), my parents got divorced. My dad, that was supposed to pick me on the weekend and spend the day with me, cancelled for 3 times in a row and vanished from the map… Then when iContinue a ler “Past, past ,past”

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