Shes back into my life

Shes back into my life… And i couldnt be more happy! But with her being back, other things come as well. The sorting things from the past (family), the kid, our life that is so different, the finding time to be together… So many things!!! I am not complaining, quite the opposite, but i stillContinue a ler “Shes back into my life”

Last Time VS Reality

Last time was bad! Last time i just wanted to… Last time was last time! Last time i felt like all the energy was being drained from my body! Like a battery fully charged and then suddently lose all the battery (funny how i always laught when someone said this to me in the past)!Continue a ler “Last Time VS Reality”

You havent knocked me down yet!!!

What to say? Last week i just wanted… From getting a call from the mechanic saying the car was good to the scrap yard, son and mum testing positive, the tooth ache coming to say hi again to the airpods on the washing machine and bin… All in 4 days!! Want to give me aContinue a ler “You havent knocked me down yet!!!”

The Beginning of the End?

Is it really? Or is just me trying to convince myself that everything is all right? So last week, finally went to do some blood tests (you need to start somewhere) and had my first session with the therapist. I have been on a high all week. Does that mean anything? I thought it did.Continue a ler “The Beginning of the End?”

Embrace your Past

Since i remember, ive been fighting against my past. If there is thing that ive learned is that there is no point in fighting. Embrace your past and learn from it. Nothing good have come out of my fights. Quite the opposite. More and more i got disappointments. Take the lesson, take what was goodContinue a ler “Embrace your Past”

Ups and Downs

More downs than ups… Im on a way to damage myself completely. I am concerned that i cant control myself anymore. I need to control myself. For the first time since i changed job i have lost it. I keep trying to understand the why i cant be myself and the only reason i getContinue a ler “Ups and Downs”


Had a really nice couple of days, i cant deny it. I am everything that everyone says (im the one that most of the times say whats bad in me), but i have been lucky to have found a few people that i can call friends. And i mean friends. Nowadays people use the wordContinue a ler “Friends”

Past, past ,past

Why am i so stuck to the past? When i was 4 years old (at least as i remember), my parents got divorced. My dad, that was supposed to pick me on the weekend and spend the day with me, cancelled for 3 times in a row and vanished from the map… Then when iContinue a ler “Past, past ,past”

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