Embrace your Past

Since i remember, ive been fighting against my past. If there is thing that ive learned is that there is no point in fighting. Embrace your past and learn from it. Nothing good have come out of my fights. Quite the opposite. More and more i got disappointments. Take the lesson, take what was good from it. Write, do, listen, remember all that the past thought you… But never, never, never let your past define you. Ive been doing it for years, and ive come to a point where i cant live in my past anymore. Cant fight anymore. Im tired. I want to enjoy the little things. So much.

For you that keep checking on my blog (and you know who you are), if you do it cause you want to know how i am, send me a text. You will never know if i answer if you dont do it. Now, if youre doing it cause youre stuck in the past, move on. Live your live, enjoy your daughters and the time you have with them. Its the most precious thing you have in life. Enjoy your family and friends while you can. One day you will look back and see the time you have wasted thinking if you should have done this or that… Believe me, i am learning the hard way, and nothing good comes from living in the past.

I have now accepted that i am with a depression. These last few weeks have showed me how weak i am and what i have allowed my life to turn into. I am lucky enough to have family and friends that care about me, and its better to accept it while its on a early stage than fight against it as i have been doing. Next thing, book an appointment with the doctor. I have now accepted that its not a sign of weekness but looking after myself. Theres still sooo many things that i want to do. See my son groing up, travel, experience new things, etc. Being stubborn its not the best thing. Karma is a bitch. I guess the solution is to turn it into my best mate.

Publicado por barbasman

Trying a new start in live....

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