Shes back into my life

Shes back into my life… And i couldnt be more happy! But with her being back, other things come as well. The sorting things from the past (family), the kid, our life that is so different, the finding time to be together… So many things!!! I am not complaining, quite the opposite, but i stillContinue a ler “Shes back into my life”

What to do, what to say, what to think…

What to do, what to say, what to think… After 3 weeks of texts and phone calls, we finally meet. We spent the day together… I was dreading it, scared, nervous, excited, a bit of everything really. Even when i was smoking just before the time, i was looking for excuses to cancel it (lastContinue a ler “What to do, what to say, what to think…”

Small World

It’s been a while since I sat down and wrote something. Not that I don’t want or have the time (cause every single day I think about writing), but something always pulls me away. The world goes around and around and around, and sometimes surprises us! Since the beginning of the year that I triedContinue a ler “Small World”


I am a person that over analyzes everyting. I think and think and think about every single thing that happens in my live. That makes me (i think) be a better person and change if i see the need!!! I stand behind every word that i write in here, but i have been very negativeContinue a ler “Retrospective”

Good Vibes, Good Life

Or is it really??? I have kept away from the writing cause ive chosen to fight against my own demons… Did i miss it? I did to be honest! There is something that relaxes me when i write. Manage to have a couple of very good weeks, but this last days have been awful!!! NotContinue a ler “Good Vibes, Good Life”

Last Days

I had a really lovely couple of days off…. Cant really complain and i only hope that i can carry on with this good vibes that have been with me lately!!! Started the Monday by going for a quick shopping and then finally after a few months i gave some attention to my old boyContinue a ler “Last Days”

Small Things

Had a shit night last night. Woke up at 00:30 all sweated from a dream that doesnt make any sense to me. The funny thing about this is that i dont dream. Or i dont remember any time that i dream. Woke up with the words “Was the shag good? Was it worth it?”. TheContinue a ler “Small Things”


Had a really nice couple of days, i cant deny it. I am everything that everyone says (im the one that most of the times say whats bad in me), but i have been lucky to have found a few people that i can call friends. And i mean friends. Nowadays people use the wordContinue a ler “Friends”

Moving Forward

So its been a nice couple of days. Work been allright, with me picking up the pace of learning everything that is new. Really happy with myself and everything in this couple of days. In a way all the bad that have been happening, brought something good. I can finally focus on work, instead ofContinue a ler “Moving Forward”


Today was a bad day…. But was it really? Before i go to my made up bed, i tought it would be a good idea to vent a little bit. Not to be negative or positive, but to carry on this relationship that im building with the writing…. Im really not bothered if people readContinue a ler “Today….”

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