
Dont know anymore if im up or down. I just know that i want out of here and start again. Maybe the problem is not the place but me, but i need to get strong soon enough. I cant be up and down anymore. I need some stability. Ive come to relize that at oneContinue a ler “Revelations”

Ups and Downs

More downs than ups… Im on a way to damage myself completely. I am concerned that i cant control myself anymore. I need to control myself. For the first time since i changed job i have lost it. I keep trying to understand the why i cant be myself and the only reason i getContinue a ler “Ups and Downs”

Waking up….

The waiking up this morning wasnt easy. Difficult to be honest. Still fighting against myself of not doing what i have planned. My heart keeps telling dont go, but my head keeps saying, you know what you need…. Nothing changed really, and wont change, but im so conflicted about everything… In a way i thinkContinue a ler “Waking up….”

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