Small World

It’s been a while since I sat down and wrote something. Not that I don’t want or have the time (cause every single day I think about writing), but something always pulls me away. The world goes around and around and around, and sometimes surprises us! Since the beginning of the year that I triedContinue a ler “Small World”

Phrase of the Week

“You really left me in the shit…” So yesterday i received a letter from the water company saying that the payment in July was refused by the bank. I texted her asking what was all that about as i had the impression all bills were paid as ive tranfered money to her to pay myContinue a ler “Phrase of the Week”

Small Things

Had a shit night last night. Woke up at 00:30 all sweated from a dream that doesnt make any sense to me. The funny thing about this is that i dont dream. Or i dont remember any time that i dream. Woke up with the words “Was the shag good? Was it worth it?”. TheContinue a ler “Small Things”

Whats wrong with me?

Well, i know whats wrong with me…. I just cant really trust someone else…. But should i really trust someone else? Why should we really trust someone else? 1 year ago i met my ex…….. We went from everything was perfect to everything was wrong…. We decided to fight for the relationship….. A portuguese andContinue a ler “Whats wrong with me?”

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