Positive Outlooks

I’ve been hurt, lied to and broken-hearted. I have felt alone when i couldn’t affordt to be. But at the end of the day, i had to learn to be my own best friend, because there’s going to be days when there will be no one there for me but MYSELF!!!!! Think Positive……


Today was a bad day…. But was it really? Before i go to my made up bed, i tought it would be a good idea to vent a little bit. Not to be negative or positive, but to carry on this relationship that im building with the writing…. Im really not bothered if people readContinue a ler “Today….”

And that’s it……

And that’s it… I tried, maybe too late but i tried… Nothing is left to do anymore, apart from starting planning things to move with my live. Is it easy? Definitely it isnt! And in a way i had my share of new beginnings! Life its easyer when by myself. Sadder? Definitely, but at leastContinue a ler “And that’s it……”

Men’s dont Cry

But they do…. Not until this morning, that hit me as strong as i can remember… Waking up to a reality that i did not expect until a few days ago, killed me. Waking up with a monstrous head-ache and seeing the living room all upside down with bags and suitcases dit not help (orContinue a ler “Men’s dont Cry”

Whats wrong with me?

Well, i know whats wrong with me…. I just cant really trust someone else…. But should i really trust someone else? Why should we really trust someone else? 1 year ago i met my ex…….. We went from everything was perfect to everything was wrong…. We decided to fight for the relationship….. A portuguese andContinue a ler “Whats wrong with me?”

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